Friday, 7 June 2019

Reform of Education A Reason To Start Blogging Again

Have been away too long.

Maybe now is a good time now to start again with all the talk and plans to reform education in the country. The new government that came into power in May 2018 promised a reform of the education sector. One year down, the talk continues but there is very little to show by way action or any clear direction that will be taken. One, rather easy problem that has been a bugbear of the national education system is the recognition of the UEC examinations for admission to higher education. The qualification is a long-respected HE qualification recognized by almost all countries that have educational systems like ours, but the UEC is not recognized by local public universities. Recognition of this qualification whose legitimacy springs from the same source of law as other local qualifications should never have been an issue, but it has become a political issue gluing our feet to inaction.

Turning to other matters in higher education, there have been suggestions to harmonize the private and public sectors. Focus is on the two main legislation on higher education, the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 and the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996. How this will be achieved and whether the differentiation will be maintained between the public and private sectors are some of the issues that will be covered here.

So, as with all journeys, I hope this is an auspicious time to start and that I will have the fortitude and stamina to continue.

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